Dark Blade
Created by: G69T
Country: Italy
Discussion thread
You wouldn't dig a hole with a spoon; you'd use a spade just as you wouldn't use a match to cook your steak dinner when you have a gas barbeque. Extreme examples for sure but they neatly summarise the mantra many work by: "right tools for the job". In other words, where possible, you will produce a better result in less time by using the most optimal tool for the task. You'll struggle with much less and in some cases, don't even bother.
When it comes to producing intricate designs using solid metal, forget your humble hacksaw and files. In the immortal words of Tim "the toolman" Taylor, you need (say it with me) "more power": a lathe is a good place to start, and the holy grail is a computer-controlled milling machine called a CNC machine (Computer Numeric Control).

Of course, if your name is G69T, you have access not only to a CNC machine, but a CNC lathe for pete's sake!

In 2004, this humble Italian modder came from nowhere to produce two variants of one design, the second of which was
Spider's Web. At a glance, it's instantly cool yet cynics would argue that almost anyone could produce a similar design given enough experience with the necessary CAD software and access to the CNC machinery.
In a gesture to silence any naysayers, G69T has spent the past 15 months working on a mod of almost inconceivable detail. And boy, does he have the right tools for the job...

Before we look at the case itself, we wanted to take a minute to reflect on the kinds of things possible with the power of CNC. Faced with a need for some fancy screws, G69T simply
made some himself. Piece of cake really: take some hex-rod, wave your magic wand over the CNC lathe and before you can say "holy crap" you have a cupped handful of bespoke screws. And that is just the tip of the iceberg of what is possible...

In November 2004, Dark Blade looked like this. Nothing too outrageous, you might be thinking. Oh how wrong you would be. In short, the following photos will make physically ill with jealousy. You will cry with envy. You will then spend the rest of the day combing through
72 pages of Worklog. We're not 100% sure just how close G69T is to completing this mammoth mod but it's certainly looking almost complete to us. Look for the full worklog article on
bit-tech just as soon as it is complete.
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